Tag Archives: the ick

Starting to get the Ick

Photo-A-Day #3580

It was a good thing that I was out sick from work last night. I had Eva and Andrew home today. Andrew woke up coughing a bit. Rather than expose the babysitter’s son to a cold, which he was also having one, we kept Andrew home with me and Eva. And then there is the thing about a Blizzard happening tonight into tomorrow. As I write this snowplows are going up and down my street putting big piles of snow on the corners. Our corner, the corner across the street. It is going to be fun tomorrow digging out. I’m glad that schools called about closings early this afternoon.

I took the kids to the store because of the Blizzard. We got there early before it was too crazy. They were both good on the trip. When we got home they watched a movie together and played nicely. They helped clean up the living room, a bit. I got some work done and they played independently. We had lunch and they I had both of them go upstairs to play quietly in their respective rooms. After an hour or so Andrew came downstairs and watched a preview episode of Miles from Tomorrowland with me. I’m interviewing the creator later this week and wanted to check out the first episode. Andrew sat incredibly still for me while watching at the computer.

After that we went into the living room and I watched an episode of Avengers Assemble. Andrew wasn’t that into that show and at 2:30 Andrew put himself to sleep. He slept till 5:00. When he got up he didn’t want to eat dinner but rather wanted to go back to bed. He is running a slight fever. Allison put him back to bed but instead he wanted to come back downstairs. He got his second wind and was sitting in the laundry basket watching Eva play Disney Infinity 2.0. Allison actually took a photo of him first on her phone. When she showed it to me I took a bunch of my own. He was still in good enough spirits to ham it up a little.