Tag Archives: Travel

Packing for Vacation

Packing for Vacation
Photo-A-Day #1629

I packed up my clothes and stuff like that last night, packing clothes is easy for me. Also there is the fact that we are staying with Allison’s parents for part of the trip so we can wash clothes. So I really only have to pack half of what I need to take and even then I probably packed too many shirts as I’ve got some waiting for me at Dan and Marcia’s and I am sure we’ll be getting some great ones at IZEAFest.

The stuff you see in the photo is some swag I am bringing, mind you this is not the awesome stuff I’ve been hinting at over at I’m Not A Famous Blogger, no this is the homemade stuff as well as a few pokens that are still kicking around.

Short post tonight as I still have to pack and catch Modern Family on the DVR as it is 1/2way over at the writing of this post.