Tag Archives: Travel

Hide your vibes folks…

Yep, you heard it here first. The TSA (Travel Scare Authority) is now going to requiring all electronic items to be removed from your bag and put through the X-Ray machine. I was in the Cincinnati airport today and during this ‘pilot program’ I was asked to remove all of my electronic equipment from my bag. That meant anything that could be turned on and off. However this pilot program is not ready for prime time because I had an electric shaver in my roll aboard suitcase and a Bluetooth headset in the pocket of my backpack. I failed to remove those items and yet I was not stopped and required to take those out of my baggage.

I got to stand around in line for quite some time because I was behind a family of 5 or 6 that had packed a ton of stuff and I felt rude just going around them, it is just not my way. So instead I heard the TSA guy explain the pilot program that they were doing and how it will become the norm in the future. This is going to cause another inconvenience for us technophiles. For one thins I usually carry a ton of electrical equipment. I have a laptop (that has been the item that has to be taken out of the case anyway, one or two cameras (except for this past week I brought one camera that was uncharged, argh), then I have my GiSTEQ PhotoTrackr, my cell phone, my Bluetooth headset, my iGo charger (oh yeah charges have to come out as well) and an electric razor. The electric razor was a purchase after the whole liquid scare of a year ago.

So here is what I predict will be the next security regulation at the airport. Either everyone get on the plane naked or wearing clear plastic clothes (for sanitary reasons) and carrying clear plastic baggage. I swear we are coming to that point.

Google Cool: My Maps

Google Maps now has this cool feature called My Maps. You can create your own maps of anything you want. Cali Lewis has a map of her favorite BBQ Joints. I wish I was in Dallas instead of Houston so I could go to a GeekBrief.TV meet up sometime.

Inspired by that map I thought I would start my own map to document my travels over the past 5+ years. I am excited to see what I can do with this new map. I named it I’ve Benn Everywhere. No that is not a typo. That is part of my last name. So I thought it would be cool.

What is so cool about My Maps? Well, for one thing you can build one all for yourself for anything. Each place on the Map gets a push pin. You can edit each location and add many bits of information to it. You can ad links to places. So if you were doing a restaurant review map you could link to the website as well as your review of the restaurant on your own blog.

I am going to be linking to my blog posts about specific places and airports and whatnot. The project will take quite a while because of the 5 years of travel but in the end it should be very cool. You can always access the map through My Bio on BenSpark.com.