Tag Archives: Wedding

Photo-A-Day #631 12/30/06

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Today Allison and I attended the wedding of my High School friend and Allison’s Book Club friend Marybeth. Marybeth and Damian were married today in Dedham MA at a beautiful church. The ceremony was very nice (I didn’t get any good pictures there).

The reception was at Barker Tavern in Scituate, MA. This was a very nice location and had the weather been cooperative I would have gotten some nice shots of the Scituate Harbor. At the wedding each plate had either a girl or boy set of Mickey Mouse Ears.

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Marybeth and Damian are huge Disney Fans.

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The cake was also beautiful.

We had a wonderful dinner and sat with a friend of Allison’s from Book club. She was very funny. We laughed and joked.

I am very annoyed at myself because I figured I had a minute or so to hit the bathroom and be back to get into the Feehan Picture (High School) but no I was gone for 2 minutes and completely missed it. When I came back out the picture was over and done with. I couldn’t believe it.

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And I was looking pretty spiffy tonight too. And don’t you just love Allison’s hair. Amanda did an excellent job today. Allison’s hair looked spectacular.

Marybeth and Damian are headed out to their honeymoon after the New Year festivities. We wish them health and happiness on their trip and throughout their life together.

Also today we hung up the curtain rods, Allison needs to hem the curtains and we discovered that the roman blinds were too wide and not long enough. Oh well, one thing to go back to IKEA. We also hung the mirror over the completed dresser. Maybe tomorrow night we will sleep in the new bed for the first time. Start the New Year off right.