Thai Rolled Ice Cream and iPad Purchase

Thai Rolled Ice Cream
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01302

Before we picked Andy up at Cooking Camp we stopped at the Providence Place Mall. We were there for a couple of reasons. First off we were checking on Andy’s iPad to see why it didn’t charge properly. Apparently his iPad had a “wicked Bend” to it. Our genius, Sam, told us. Then they showed us the iPad and we could see how there was a bend to it. Only Andy. That was why the charging on it was so wonky. Well, that stinks. But since Eva was getting a brand new iPad she graciously decided that Andy could have her old one which was the same model as his.

We brought along our old iPad minis and Allison’s old iPhone figuring that maybe we’d be able to trade them in for some money. No such luck. The iPad minis were too old and the iPhone had a cracked screen and was too old. So we came home with the brand new iPad and a case/keyboard for Eva. Luckily we mentioned that it was for school and she needed one because the school required it. Our apple sales person was able to get us a nice $150 discount and a $100 gift card so we saved some money on the transaction. Not a lot in the grand scheme of things because we got Eva the iPad Air which was a step up from the base iPad.

We still had some time to kill before picking up Andy so we enjoyed some Thai Rolled Ice Cream from Freezing Point. I had had it once before but this was a treat for Allison and Eva because they had never had it before. We got a cookies and cream and a strawberry one. Both were delicious. then we went and picked up Andy and he told us all about his day at camp which was also a good one. He is so excited for each day’s adventure.