Two Geese in a Field

Two Geese in a Field
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01901

We have this family in joke where whenever someone sees geese in a filed they yell, “Two Geese in a field, I win”. Today when we went to krav Eva got out of the car and saw these two geese in a field and had to take a photo of them to send to Allison to declare that there were two geese in a field and the she won.

The Dragon Fits

Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01900

I found a few dragons to print and printed them using a purple and yellow filament that gave it a great fire look. I made it small enough so that it would fit into the printed egg. Now I have a bunch of great new filaments and some dragons to print as well as the eggs. I should have everything printed this week and the kids will be pretty excited for them.