Tag Archives: 3D Printing

Printing Something For Me

chain axe
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01946

After about a week and a half of non stop printing of a sword for my Sensei I decided that I ould print something fun for myself. I’ve been wanting a double bladed battle axe for Comicons but I cannot find one that I really like. So, I found a file for a Warhammer Chain Axe (Axe + Chainsaw) that I am going to modify to make into a double bladed Chain Axe. It will take some time to manipulate the files but I think in the end it might be pretty amazing. It took the file and scaled it up to 150% of the size and then had to split the file to print it and this part here is going to take 36+ hours to print. It is going to be massive.

Eva’s Trident

Home Depot Poseidon
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01942

About a month ago I printed Eva the top of a trident. She asked me to pick up a dowel do that she could make it full sized. I went to Lowe’s yesterday and picked up some materials to complete the sword for Sensei and also a dowel for Eva. The dowel was too big so I returned it today after Krav class. I found some PVC pipe and fittings to make a full sized trident. Of course I had to make sure it fit so I assembled it in the store and carried it around. Got a few funny looks.