Cape for Summer 2023

Cape Bound
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01642

This morning we headed down to the Cape for a few weeks. Andy and Eva are going to start Science School tomorrow. Tonight I am going to work from the Cape House for the first time ever. I never did it before because I used to work in a job where I had to speak on the phone at all hours of the night. Now I do not have to talk with anyone so I figured I would not disturb anyone in the house by working here overnight. It will be strange to he up all night here but I think it will work.

We got down and I took a nap. I remembered to bring my earplugs with me and I was able to sleep through all sorts of things.

Andy rollerblading

We had dinner on the new sunporch furniture with Mom, Dad, Tar and Erik. We had pizza and then after dinner I took Andy across the street so that they could do some roller blading. Andy never took to bike riding but they do like roller blading and is pretty decent at it. Andy reminded me of 1989 when I got my first set of roller blades and would practice ever night at the parking lot over on Richard’s Ave. I’ve got to find my roller blading book for Andy to read.