Category Archives: Comic Book

Marvel Unlimited 10 Year Anniversary Pack

Marvel Unlimited 10 Year Anniversary
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This year is the 10th Anniversary of MArvel Unlimited. That is the online collection of Marvel comics that I have access to reading. Each year the people who subscribe tot he service get a special pack with some neat items inside. There is always an action figure and also a pin and sometimes a patch. This year was a Rocket Racoon pin and a Loki patch plus a Nova action figure. I’ll have to go through all my boxes of stuff from the past few years and get all 10 of the action figures together.

Free Comic Book Day 2024

At Free Comic Book Day
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Today was May The Fourth and it was a good day for Free Comic Book Day. When I got home from work I took the last piece of Ashbringer off the 3D Printer and put it together to show the size of it. I sent it off to my Sensei and he was very pleased. I’ve got to cut the dowel to the right size. He’ll put everything together himself. I am thinking that I may make one for myself, it is a very cool looking sword.

Final Printed Ashbringer

Over at Free Comic Book day we picked up a few books ,looked around and took a photo with the cosplayers. Eva got a full set of books and I got 5 books myself. Andy found one book but wasn’t that interested overall. I’m hoping to find more books that they would enjoy.

Out of the books that I got the best one by far was the Energeon Universe one which had 3 mini stories that went along with the three main series from Skybound, namely Transformers, Void Rivals and G.I. Joe. These stories actually fit right into what has been happening with these series so well. I’m actually going to the store weekly to get my books now because they are so good.