Category Archives: Comic Book

Free Comic Book Day: Astounding Wolfman

I have always had a spot in my heart for were-wolves. I wish that they explored the werewolf character of Oz in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I enjoy reading about the were-people in the Laurell K. Hamilton books. And I have read a series of books about a werewolf in ancient Rome.

On Free Comic Book Day picked up The Astounding Wolf-Man and it was one of the most enjoyable books I picked up that day. It is the first book in a new series and the first issue was totally free. It tells the story of a man who is attacked by a werewolf and becomes one himself. Basically issue #1 was an origin story and we learn that there is more to this ‘curse’ than meets the eye. I may pick this one up on my regular rotation.

Comics: Free Comic Book Day

Today is Free Comic Book Day. Check to see if your local comic book store is participating and get out and get those free books.

I stopped over to see Brett, Scott and Chris at Double Midnight Comics in Manchester, NH.

I said hi to the guys and picked up 7 free comics. I got The astounding Wolf-man from Image comics, Viper Comics Presents Volume 2, Marvel Adventures Iron Man & Hulk, Unseen Peanuts from Fantagraphics Book, Sonic the Hedgehog from Archie Comics (for the grandson of one of Allison’s friends), Legion of Super-Heroes in the 31st Century (I’ll read it and give it to Allison’s friend’s grandson) and The Transformer’s Official Movie Prequel. I already had the pay version of this and thought that there would be something extra in the free version but nope. I think the only difference was the ad for the Megatron Spotlight issue.

I also got a free Batman Heroclix and a poster for the Fantastic 4 movie. I didn’t get there when the guys were serving free pizza but we had an afternoon party anyway so I didn’t really need free pizza. Although free pizza always tastes better. Since the guys were so generous and participated in this event and they were offer in 25% off everything in the store for the day I was able to pick up Josh Howard Presents Sasquatch from Viper Comics. I am eager to read the stories especially the one by Wes Molebash of You’ll Have That.