Category Archives: Family

Photo-A-Day #718 03/27/07

No Hockey Sticks

Happy Birthday to my sister, Tara!

I am in Grand Rapids, MN tonight. I had a demo this afternoon and then I met up with another demonstrator named Katie who flew in from Boston today. We rode together to our next site. I pretty much talked her ear off the entire way to Grand Rapids. She is now reading this blog. Well, maybe not right now but she’s begun reading it. Continue reading Photo-A-Day #718 03/27/07

Photo-A-Day #716 03/25/07

Label maker fun.

This is what happens when we leave the label maker out and Andy comes over to visit. He got bored watching us play Wario Smooth Moves and decided that the label maker would be much more fun. And then today my cousins Madison and Haley came over after church and had fun labeling things, like my hand. Continue reading Photo-A-Day #716 03/25/07