Category Archives: Food

Taking a #SteakCation at LongHorn Steakhouse for Father’s Day

I participated in a campaign on behalf of Dad Central Consulting for LongHorn Steakhouse. I received a gift card to facilitate my review and a promotional item as a thank-you for participating.

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Andrew and Eva after a delicious meal at LongHorn Steakhouse
Andrew and Eva excited to have dinner at LongHorn Steakhouse

Last night I took the family over to LongHorn Steakhouse for dinner as part of this review. I love steak, my wife and kids do as well so this was a perfect fit for us. When I learned about this opportunity I decided to go for it despite having had not so stellar experiences at LongHorn in the past. I watch those mouthwatering commercials and get all fired up to go and then remember my last visit. Would the experience I had last night change things for the better? Keep reading to find out…

Continue reading Taking a #SteakCation at LongHorn Steakhouse for Father’s Day