Today we returned to the Realm, The Realm of King Richard’s Faire in Carvershire (Carver, MA) that is. We were provided with a couple of adult passes to attend opening weekend and so took those and the whole family to enjoy a fun day in the woods. That was once we stopped off at the bank because the realm is expensive. Despite the expense and the weird tickets for food thing we had a wonderful day and Eva loved going and felt right at home, especially with the Storyweaver and the Fairies.
Upon entering the very first cast member that we ran into was a friend of mine. I didn’t even know that he was working at the Faire. I know him from the Speed of Thought Players and he’s one fantastic improv comedian. At the Faire he is the pickle man. I made a promise to buy a pickle later and then we met Spark the StoryWeaver.

Spark loved Eva she spent a good 10 minutes talking with her and making her feel comfortable. She also told us about her Storyweaving session and we promised her that we would come by to see the show.

We then had to stop off at the privy after the long ride. There is one location for this and that is over to the right of the Jousting Field. They have deluxe portable bathrooms with multiple stalls, urnials and sinks. There are changing stations and accessible bathrooms. While we were standing there we met two princesses who invited Eva to come to the Princess Training session so we started off with that.

At the Princess Training session Eva learned many things like the Princess Wave, recycling and how to act appropriately in front of the Queen. The Queen attended Princess Training and certified each child as a real princess or prince. Eva was so excited.

After that we went over and saw the Nature of Mercy ~ Sword Fighting. This was a comedy show with some fun sword fighting. At first Eva did not like it at all, she wanted to leave and to go to see something else. We talked about it and I explained that no one would be hurt and that it was all acting. The two guys are not actually mad at each other but rather they are playing a game to make us laugh. So she wasn’t quite convinced but toughed it out through the show. At the end she took the money for the tip and brought it right to the guy that she didn’t like during the show, the one she was afraid of. We were beside ourselves.

After a few shows we headed to get some lunch. First I had to buy some food tickets. Tickets are purchased in lots of $5 and each ticket is $0.50 each. I ended up purchasing $50 in tickets for our lunch and a snack later. I went to go get the tickets and there are a few locations to buy them but if you go right back to the entrance that location is usually without a line. So I went there and got my tickets then had to go through a few lines to get all of the meals. For a meal I got a turkey leg. Allison had a pulled pork sandwich and Eva had the chicken fingers and fries. We shared much of the meal, even Andrew had a bite of the turkey leg (Which was a small one compared to all the ones I saw around us). Eva was a huge fan of the Turkey leg and helped me eat much of it. Our friend Ryan came by selling pickles and we bought one of those as well. Lunch was good, and now that we were refueled it was time to go see more.

We went to see the StoryWeaver show. This is a show that the kids get to help create the story. Spark the StoryWeaver does a wonderful job for the kids. She pulls a few adults up on stage to act out the story and Allison was the sidekick to the hero. Eva was not happy with the hat that Allison had to wear. She did like the show and loved the StoryWeaver, loved her so much that we went to the show twice.

After the StoryWeaver we went to go and see the Tale of the Tiger. The crowd was so large that we couldn’t see much of it at all and Eva got bored so instead we walked over and got seats for the joust. At the joust I tried out some new equipment that I had bought, the camalapse which makes 360 degree time lapse videos. I used a couple of apps to create the time lapse and it worked pretty well. This is what I made while we watched the joust.
I probably should have just set the camera to do time lapse in one single spot rather than moving. I didn’t realize that until later. I just wanted to use my new toy. It did free me up to take some photos of the jousters.

We had time after the joust to go and see the StoryWeaver once again. The bones of the show were the same but with new acts and new scenarios it was also entertaining. After that show the StoryWeaver took this photo of our family.

Leaving the StoryWeaver show we saw some fairies and Eva had to follow them and show them her new fairy hat that she had bought with her own money.

Eva spent about 15 minutes talking with the three fairies and loved every minute of it. The fairies were so good with her two. They started out using signs to talk with her and then talked softly with her, asking her questions and involving her in their work. They gave her a small marble and told her to keep it safe. They gave her some yarn and asked her to start weaving her own fairy web at home. The moments were magical for her and you could see how much she loved the fairies.

Our last event was the final joust. I grabbed some waters, an ice cream and a big bag of kettle corn (another must have at the Faire). Eva and Andrew had a great time yelling for the jousters. It was a big change from her watching the sword fighting earlier in the day. She was no longer scared of what was happening on the field but rather cheering and yelling and loving the spectacle. That is until she had to go to the privy right before the joust started in earnest. So she ended up missing the actual joust, but I caught it and it was very well done.

We left the realm being so well entertained by the cast at the Faire and all the nice people that we met. We left with our bellies full, our wallet lighter but we had a fantastic family day that we will remember for a very long time. Thank you King Richard’s Faire!
Disclosure: My family was provided with two Adult passes to attend the opening weekend of King Richard’s Faire. We paid for Eva’s ticket and about $50 in food plus tips to the performers and Eva bought a handmade fairy hat. Opinions of the day are 100% our own.
What a fabulous post! Loved the bit about the fairy encounter… I got a bit teary thinking about Eva experiencing a bit of magic. It’s always the details and the quiet moments that the kids value, isn’t it? Also glad to see her love Spark the Storyweaver, she is new and really special. Thanks for a nice review and great photos/videos!
Thank you Julie,
It was a fantastic day. We really loved going. I’d love to go again to primarily take photos. I figured that I should have set the camera in a stationary position to capture the time lapse of the joust because that was fun.