Category Archives: Transformers

Christmas Optimus …

Christmas Optimus
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02207

This year when I was ordering the Hallmark ornament I saw that they had a special Optimus Prime ornament. Instead of adding it to the tree, which I still need to take down, I put it with my Optimus Prime figures in my office. Maybe this one will make it to the tree next year.

I’ve Seen That Color Scheme Before …

Wheeljack cart
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02202

I was walking through Target and a Hot wheels car caught my eye. I had been limiting myself to only the Character cars for Marvel super heroes but the color scheme of this car was something that I recognized. It was that of my favorite Transformers character, Wheeljack. In the 80’s Wheeljack was a Lancia with a white green and red color scheme. This little hot wheels Kart definitely made me think of my guy, wheeljack, so I bought it.

Hot wheels actually made a Lancia car with the exact look of wheeljack in all metal. I have that up on my wall. I figured that this one should be in with my Wheeljack collection, though.