Category Archives: Food

‘Grilled’ Peanut Butter & Pickle Sandwich

I finally did it, I made myself a Peanut Butter & Pickle Sandwich. I had read about this on Jenn’s blog Jenn Cooks and while it kind of grossed me out, it also intrigued me a bit. I wondered, how would a sandwich of this nature taste. And I knew that if I made it I would grill it. For some reason having a crispy grilled sandwich of Peanut Butter & Pickles made sense. So I had Allison pick up my favorite Chunky Peanut Butter (It is a major brand that I love, Jif (no I was not paid to say that)). I also had some pickles from a previous Pulled Pork dinner that I wanted to use.

I got the ingredients ready…

Ingredients at the Ready

I got my Two Pieces of Bread

2 Pieces of bread.

Piled on the Peanut Butter

Pile it on

Both pieces of bread now slathered with Chunky Peanut Butter.

Base complete

Add the Pickles

Add the Pickles

Add some butter…

Add some butter...

Oh yeah I kicked it up a notch with some butter because…

Time to grill it up...
… because I made my peanut butter and pickles sandwich a "grilled" one.

Golden Brown…

Golden Brown...
.. and delicious as Alton Brown would say.

Add some chips and a tall glass of milk…

Add some chips and a tall glass of milk...
My lunchtime dining concoction is complete and ready to eat!

The First Bite.

The First Bite

I did not know what to expect but I have to say… the chunky peanut butter and the pickles and the fact that the sandwich was grilled made a perfect taste sensation. It was delicious!

Halfway there...
This sandwich didn’t stand a chance, I barely stopped to take this picture, it was so good.

The Last Bite

The Last Bite
My last Bite of the Grilled Peanut Butter and Pickle Sandwich. I have to say it was surprisingly tasty and I would certainly make it again.

Mmmm Nachos… PAD#1041

Weather on the East Coast has been terrible today. My poor Dad ended up with some nasty weather in Florida. Some times you just need Nachos and a little Smallville to enjoy the night with the family.

We are now up to Season 5 of Smallville. I loved the episode with Tom Wopat. All the Dukes of Hazzard references were great. Since there was nothing on we powered through 3 episodes today. I think we are on episode 8 right now, Solitude is the name of it.

Today I got a box in the mail. It wasn’t the one I was hoping to get but it was one I wanted. It was the keyboard for the new computer. Because of the rain and bad weather here I didn’t get home till late so I still couldn’t get to use it. Tomorrow. Tomorrow I will finally get a chance to take the baby on a spin. The new keyboard is for digital media and has a zoom option for photos. I can’t wait to check it out.

Oh, I finally updated my wordpress tot he latest version and I added the commentluv plug in. Enjoy.Mobile post sent by BenSpark using Utterz Replies.  mp3