Category Archives: Friends

Photo-A-Day #768 05/16/07


I won the One for Me One for You contest by Christine. so don’t expect any more annoying e-mails from me to remind you to vote. I am really happy with the number of votes I ended up with and how they came together on a last ditch effort to pull out the win. I thank everyone who helped me out with votes. There were some people in Blog Catalog who helped me out and I wanted to link to them to show them some linky love. They were Chris at Wampango, Steve at Cymru66, mindCatching Design, 7 Confessions, VeggieBlogs and Elizabeth.

I cannot forget that my friend Maureen put up a great post to help me win this contest. I overlooked that and I know that it brought me many votes, I am a bad friend. I hope that we’re not In a fight. Continue reading Photo-A-Day #768 05/16/07