Category Archives: Movie

Demolition Man

It had been a while since I had seen Demolition Man with Sylvester Stallone and Wesley Snipes. It is such a funny campy movie. Watching it when it first came out I really enjoyed it. The movie had Sandra Bullock, Benjamin Bratt, Rob Schneider, and Denis Leary in supporting roles. Watching it now on TBS Dinner and a Movie is so laughable.

It was an interesting look at a possible future. Doubt that is the way things would be headed but it is fun to see different takes on the future. Wesley Snipes is such a wacky bad guy. He has the Dennis Rodman hair and football pads covered in tire treads and it is so ridiculous and off beat. The cars and other futuristic stuff is fun to see too.

Watching the way the characters from the future behave is a riot. Sandra Bullock’s character and her obsession with the 20th century and her mixing of phrases and other things that she just doesn’t get is also funny.

One thing that I think we may be headed for is the no touching and passing of germs. We are getting more and more germ-a-phobic as a society. I hope we don’t get as ridiculous about it as the people in Demolition Man were.

As a movie it is pretty decent. The action is fun and the story is interesting. The characters are colorful and the movie has very funny moments. The most watchable moment is when Denis Leary and Stallone meet and Leary goes into his patented rants about the state of their “Utopian” society. Take a step back in time to see a vision of the future with Demolition Man

The Big Lebowski

Yesterday I was listening to the Pop Candy Podcast from back in September. This one was about the movie The Big Lebowski. Now I saw The Big Lebowski in the movie theater and it is one of the stories that my friends tell over and over. Basically it was me, Neil, Derek and Mike. After the movie Derek asked Neil what he thought of the movie. Neil said, “It was pretty good, except for the ending.” The Neil said, “Drew?” And I said, “Yeah, pretty much the same thing.” Then Derek asked Mike what he thought of the movie. Mike said, as if it was an original thought, “It was pretty good, except for the ending.” We all turn to Mike and start laughing because he committed to that response so much and it was as if the thought was his own completely. So in order to crack each other up we will respond when asked about anything, “It was pretty good, except for the ending.”

I however do not remember much about The Big Lebowski but apparently it has a huge following. I need to go back and probably watch this again, maybe with Neil and Derek, we already know what Mike thinks of the movie. In the podcast Whitney talks with two guys who started Lebowski Fest. Whitney then talks with Rob Thomas the creator of Veronica Mars about how The Big Lebowski lines make it into episodes of Veronica Mars. I’ve heard good things about Veronica Mars and maybe when I finally get caught up with Smallville I’ll get those DVDs.