Hocus Pocus in the Park

hocus pocus
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01738

I picked Andy up from school today on foot and we walked home. The other day Andy got turned around a bit when they walked home and I figured I’d take the time to go over the route so that they are more confident about walking home on their own in the future. Andy has walked home this way once before with their friend Maia. However, Maia sprints out of school to avoid the crowds and so Andy gets left in the dust unless Andy is completely ready to leave with Maia. Andy was not completely ready and so Maia had left (the kids do not make direct plans, it blows my mind) and Andy got turned around and called Allison for help on getting home. I had just gotten home from picking up Eva and went right out and got Andy at the park. We’ll be going over the Maps app on Andy’s phone to help if they ever get turned around again.

On our walk home we say this sign for Hocus Pocus being played in the park tonight. Andy was invited by his friend Maia and I walked Andy to Maia’s house. Somehow they were horsing around and Andy accidentally hit Maia in the eye. She was not happy with Andy so Eva had to go and get Andy from the park. I hope that the two kids can work it out tomorrow because it was not happening in the moment.

new furnace

Our plumber came by today and started the furnace installation. That shiny new equipment looks good on that new wall.