Stripe Test

Stripe Test
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01513

Eva and Andy had their stripe test today. I had mine this morning, too. We all got our stripes. This rotation we are working on gun defense. Eva got to help out in the demonstration with Sensei Brochu. You can see Andy in the back holding pads for their partner. Andy partners with a girl named Axel whenever they can. They work very well together because they are both learning and she doesn’t blast Andy across the room with her kicks.

Eva’s partner was Miss Sabrina, she’s intense. Eva likes that, though, she’d rather work with someone who is tough and challenges her than someone who offers no challenge. It is great watching both kids get stronger and more skilled in Jr. Krav. Eva will earn a 7th stripe and graduate at the graduation next month to the red/black belt. Andy will move up to orange belt at their next stripe test and both will graduate in the same class for the first time. With Eva earning her red/black next month that means that she’ll soon be invited to go for her black belt. Very exciting.

Before the kids’ class Allison and I went to see Ant Man and the Wasp Quantamania. It was a fun movie. Makes me look forward to a few upcoming shows and how they are going to incorporate Kang into future Marvel movies.