Tag Archives: College

Savannah Bound …

savannah bound
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02021

Eva is bound for Savannah Georgia today with her Auntie Tara and Uncle Erik. They set Eva up with a week at Savannah College of Art and Design. She’ll be there studying photography and textiles for the week. This is her first sleep away experience where she’ll have a roommate and will be all on her own. Granted, Tara and Erik will be 4 miles down the road but Eva will be on her own in the program. I’m very excited for her. I was worried that her flight would be cancelled after everything that happened yesterday with the Microsoft outage but her flight was delayed a few hours and they got there, eventually around 10pm.

New Bathroom

On the homefront we have another new bathroom at our house. Well, this is an open air one on the corner. For the next few weeks both streets near us are having the gas lines changed. So we’ll have street closures all for a while. And we have this port-a-potty on our corner.

25th College Reunion

On The Hilltop
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01257

Today Allison and I went to New Hampshire to Saint Anselm College for my 25th College Reunion. This should have occurred last year but because of the pandemic it was pushed out and so the Reunion weekend had three classes celebrating their 25th Reunion on at the same time. They actually had several simultaneous reunions happening with 3 classes each celebrating their 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25th. We met up with a couple of my friends for lunch and we also took a tour around campus, had a reception with the new college president, had a great dinner with some more friends and had some lovely conversations throughout the day.

Class Photo

I wouldn’t say that the reunion was that well attended. This was the first one that I was able to get back to since my 5th reunion. My 5th Reunion was also when Allison and I officially started dating. Many significant moments at Saint Anselm College. I was hoping to see more people there but the people I did see were really nice. There was even a guy that I ran into that I had rented a room from at his house one Summer. The house was a party house called Arnold’s because it had a 50’s diner booth in the kitchen. He remembered us as being there for Summer School but I was there so that I could work at the College’s Pub. I used to design their promotional material and even created their menus. We never did make it up to the pub during the visit. We did take an informal tour around campus while we were waiting for the next event to happen.

We decided that we would stay overnight at in the area. I looked for the cheapest place that I could find to save some money and found the Hill Brook Motel which was where my parent’s stayed for my college graduation. I took it as a sign and we stayed there. We went back tot he hotel early instead of staying for the party that night. We were both a little tired from the vents of the past few days and tomorrow we need to drive to the Cape to pick up the kids.

While we were at the Reunion Allison made a bunch of connections. There was a young man from the Advancement department who worked at Susquehanna University where Allison went and then made the move to Saint Anselm. Then there was a young woman from the team who knew Allison from High School. It was a small world for sure. They slipped her some drink tickets and a couple of hats as well.