Tag Archives: Kayak

What Cheer, Netop?

What Cheer, Netop?
Photo-A-Day #1555

Today was the second annual Roger Williams Paddle. I went out with members of the Ten Mile River Watershed Council, The AMC, and the Rhode Island Blueways Alliance. My friend (Netop) Keith Gonsalves is one of the driving forces for this paddle and he invited me to go last year. I had such a good time, and he must have liked my video last time, that I decided to go again. The paddling was fantastic and the weather couldn’t have been better. I have a ton of photos and video from today that I want to get put together to show you and I will do so very soon. But for now I have to sleep. You can check out all my updates from the day via Twitter and Zannel. Also you can see some of my past adventures with Keith in my Wired Kayaker videos. You can find them on the sidebar. I’ll have the rest of the photos and video up asap. Here is one more that I took using my Xshot. I loved having the Xshot with me on this trip, I used it as often as I possibly could.

Using the Xshot on a break

BTW: What Cheer, Netop? is probably the equivalent of What’s Up, Friend? What cheer is short for “What cheerie news do you bring?” Netop is the Narragansett word for friend. This was the greeting that Roger Williams hollered to a group of Narragansett over by what is Gano street today. When I got out of my car and saw Keith I hollered over to him, “What Cheer, Netop?” He got a kick out of it.