Tag Archives: Oliver

Suck a Lemon – PAD #1004

Photo-A-Day #1780

Looks like Oliver just ate something sour. I caught him either pre or post yawn. I am sick and when I got home I went right to bed to nap. So I didn’t venture too far to get my photo today. Besides Oliver and Duncan have kind of taken a back seat as subjects of my photography now that Eva is here.

Being sick stinks when I am looking at a trip on the road for the next few days. I’ll be hitting Kalamazoo, MI, Kansas City, MO, Covington, KY and back home wicked late on Friday/Saturday. So look for photos on location. I may bring my new camera with me and give it a field test, so there may be some vlogging as well.

If you are visiting from Entrecard thanks very much. I’m doing really well on it so far and even made it to the top spot in my category – Photography – today. I’ve noticed that I get some rejections of my ad from different sites, I’d have never expected to get rejected by a photography blog because of design clash. That one made me laugh.

Trevor Carpenter has started another new blog called PhotoChallenge and he posted a recap of the December Challenge as well.

Photo-A-Day #701 03/10/07

Today Allison and I drove up to New Hampshire because we are spending the weekend with my Aunt Cindy and Uncle Wayne. Before we got going I ended up catching Oliver relaxing on some of the tools that we had out for getting our rooms remodeled. Continue reading Photo-A-Day #701 03/10/07