Tag Archives: Photo-A-Day

Photo-A-Day #667 02/04/07

Today was Nicholas Gregory’s Christening. Allison and I went to the Christening over in North Providence. Both proud poppa and momma were beaming and baby Nicholas was an angel during the ceremony. I got to play with Derek’s new camcorder. I video taped the ceremony. After the ceremony we went to Chester’s for a reception and we sat with Mike and Anna and Beth and Matt. Mike and Anna’s son Matthew was there too and he was being very cute. Neil and Andrea were at the ceremony and reception. Neil got Derek’s camera to take pictures and I gave Andrea my camera to use to take pictures. I took it back to get this picture of Derek, Michelle and Nicholas and Derek’s sister and Brother-in-law and their kids. Derek’s sister is the godmother and his brother-in-law is the godfather. We had a very nice time and are so happy for Derek and Michelle. We also got to see Derik and Sarah and their adorable little girl Riley.

Last night we watched the Super Bowl and it was exciting. I didn’t really see too many standout commercials however. I made pulled pork for our dinner along with some tasty pizza pinwheels. We had Tara and Erik and their friend Bob as well as Allison and I andMom and Dad plus Jen was over to watch the game. It was a nice night.

Photo-A-Day #666 02/03/07

Photo-A-Day #666 02/03/07

This past Tuesday Allison began her new hobby, knitting. She is taking a knitting class at a store downtown called Yarn It All. This past Tuesday was her first class and she has been working away at her first project, a scarf, ever since. The scarf is now about 2 feet long and is coming along nicely. Allison got some knitting supplies from Tara and they are both going to take the class. Tara is going to start up this Tuesday and I think Allison’s friend Jenn is as well. She is very excited about the project and the class. She has already said that she wants to knit me a Jayne Cobb hat eventually. I will be very excited to get it too. Duncan and Oliver have been sitting on Allison’s lap too and she enjoys that they don’t disturb her as she knits and she can knit and not disturb them. Although it looks like Duncan has his eyes on the yarn.

Photo-A-Day #666b 02/03/07

Other than that today we went shopping, I burned a couple of DVD’s for work and Allison cleaned more out of the old bedroom. Things are coming along. Her old closet is empty and that is a good sign. We now have to find someone who will take the old furniture as a donation.

Attention Photo-A-Day Hosts: Buzznet was not letting me upload today’s photo so I uploaded it to Flickr instead. I will upload to Buzznet as soon as I get a chance to and as soon as it is working again.