Tag Archives: Travel

Monkey Business at Woburn Safari Park

Monkey Business at Woburn Safari Park
Photo-A-Day #1616

Today I headed back from Sheffield to London. We made stops in Woburn and Windsor. That was after a trip up to Rotheram for a meeting (which I did not attend but Jessica did).

While Jessica went for her meeting I sat in a coffee shop, had breakfast, watched episode 1 of the Tin Man miniseries. and began work on my Discovery Packet for my Life Coach Kim Ann Curtin. Kim and I are working together on her blog and my life. She is an awesome coach and I look forward to working with her and her blog The Coach Shoppe.

While I was at the coffee shop I was introduced to an English sandwich called the bacon sandwich. It contains… you guessed it… BACON! But that is all it contains. So I had a sandwich of bacon on a baguette this morning. It was pretty tasty. I prefer my bacon more crunchy but that isn’t happening.

After Jessica was finished with the meeting we headed to London. Along the way we saw a sign for the Whipsnade Zoo. Jessica turns to me half jokingly and says, “you want to go check it out?” Now I love me a good zoo and taking animal photos so said sure! We then got off the road and followed the signs for the Whipsnade Zoo but ended up at the Woburn Safari Park. What are the chances of getting off the road for one zoo but finding an entirely different one in the same area?

We decided to go in to the Safari and we even bought one of the CD’s to tell us about the animal areas. There were tons of animals and I took a ton of photos of them. I Posted them to Flickr but need to weed out a few and rotate some and give them all titles and some more tags, but they are up and it is nearing 1:00am here in London. You can see my set here at Woburn Safari Park.

At the park we drove along and saw Rhinos, Zebra, Giraffes and they roamed around in their areas and were very close to the cars. There were rangers in orange “stripey” Landrovers. We then went into the areas where there were tigers and then bears and wolves. We saw sleepy bears and sleepy tigers and then came to the Lion enclosure. The lion enclosure is 32 acres and there is a large pride of lions. The rangers never get out of their Rovers in this enclosure and round up the lions to their sleeping quarters like sheepherders using their landrovers. We saw them doing some of this later on. While int he enclosure we noticed a couple of lions looking through the fence. We got closer and saw that they were stalking a monkey on the other side of the fence. About 7 lions followed the monkey back and forth along the fence. It was interesting to see.

We moved on and saw more zebra and giraffes as well as Asian Elephants. Then we went through the monkey area. In the monkey area there were three or four species of monkey. We rolled up on a troop of them by the side of the road. A couple even jumped up on the car which freaked Jessica out a bit but she kept wanting them to come sit on the car.

We made one pass through the park and stopped at a walking area. There was a gift shop as well as restaurant and other amenities. We found the Monkey Business area and went in. This enclosure had free roaming Squirrel monkeys and they were so cute. I could get very very close to take their photos. They got very close to us and super close to Jessica as one of the monkeys jumped from a post to her shoulder. She screamed and moved quickly. The monkey jumped off. I wasn’t quick enough to get a clear photo but in this one you can see the monkey’s paw in her hair.

Jessica's Friend

Jessica recovered nicely though.

The whole safari adventure was an excellent one and we ended up staying till near closing time because we were enjoying it so much. We took a second pass through the park and this time the lions were fiesty. The rangers in the Rovers had much to do herding the lions. The lions began randomly (to us) fighting each other and then running off. Each time one ran off the rover would follow it and try and bring it back. This meant the other lions could get close to the cars (something the rovers prevented as well) It was very cool to see lions so close up.

We did many more cool things but I’ll have to put up descriptions for all the photos to let you read about what we did. You can access the Woburn Safari Park Gallery to see more.

After the Safari Park we drove to Windsor. Jessica drove while I weeded out the bad photos from the park. I also passed out asleep fingers on the mouse buttons. I was tired… very, very tired. We got to Windsor, parked and took a walk along the Thames and up to Windsor Castle to take photos. The flag was up so someone was in residence. We came back down the hill and met up with two of our collegagues and had dinner at the Bel and Dragon. I loved their logo and the food was pretty tasty as well. I took shots of my meal as well as the logo. They are on Flickr.

Well it is nearing 1:00am and I have a flight in the morning so I’m going to cut this a bit short and let the photos do the talking for me. Check out my photostream from England.

The Wheel of Sheffield

The Wheel of Sheffield
Photo-A-Day #1615

Today was my first full day in England. I stayed at the Hilton in Sheffield. Sheffield is a pretty cool city. After demonstrations today we drove back into the city and to the hotel. I went outside on the balcony/deck/outdoor eating area and it overlooked a river area with lots of long boats. I guess you can take rides in the boats and hop on and off to pubs that are along the way. The boats only go 6 miles and hour up through the locks so if you wanted to see the city that way and liked to take it leisurely you could do that. I went and set up my mini tripod and the Panamatic to take this little panoramic shot. I used the timer and jumped into the shoot too.

Hilton Sheffield

And I shot my rig setup to show you what I was using..

The Panamatic in Action

After that we hung out in the bar for a while and I worked online making my panorama and checking in on e-mails and seeing what was happening online. I did this for a while and then Jessica (my friend and sales consultant for our company) and I went down into town for dinner. We had dinner outside in the open air at Strado. We were the only people hanging outside at that place but the area where the restaurant was located had many restaurants and one had some really nice music. We had a great dinner and conversation. We walked through town and it was really nice. The place has such old world architecture and it is really cool to look up and see the spires and turrets and the coolness of the place. I love old buildings with character. Going to places like this makes me appreciate what my home town has for history as well. I’ve taken photo walks around the town looking up at the buildings and seeing the names of the buildings, no one looks up anymore.

Speaking of looking up, when we drove into town from the demonstration we both saw this huge Ferris wheel in the middle of the city. We certainly missed that last night was we drove in but that was well after it had shut down for the night. So the Ferris Wheel, called the Wheel of Sheffield is a huge wheel. It is towering above us (almost 60 metres high (197 feet)) and it has gondola like compartments for passengers to ride within. There is even a VIP compartment with champagne and a DVD player. DVD player? Why would you pay to go up in this thing only to watch some sort of DVD? That makes no sense to me. These VIP ones also have glass floors. I would be pretty nervous riding in one.

Today is also 9/9/09 and it is the day where the Beatles entire catalog was released digitally remastered and also the Beatles Rock Band game came out. I saw it in the window of one of the shops on the way back to the hotel, it looked pretty sweet!

The Beatles 9/9/09

Tomorrow I’ll be going to take more photos and hope to get some more panoramic stuff too.