Tag Archives: Travel

Probably Voids the Warranty

Probably Voids the Warranty
Photo-A-Day 1300

I’ve mentioned that my iGo Juice (The Best product for a traveler, EVER!) has been having troubles lately. I can’t blame it at all, this product has been a champ and road warrior for seven years. Seven years, 4 laptops, 6 cell phones, 2 PDAs and 4 MP3 Players as well as a Bluetooth Headset. What is the iGo Juice? It is a power adapter that can be used in a wall socket, a car cigarette lighter, and an airplane. It can simultaneously charge your laptop computer and a peripheral device. It also packs up into a slim zippered case.

In the past seven years that I have been a Road Warrior I have used the iGo Juice on a near daily basis. I did not want to crawl under my desk each day to unplug my laptop so I got an adapter that lived in my backpack. I took it everywhere with me, always. Except once.

I had gone to the Cape and I left the zippered package with the iGo on the sunporch. I then went to Wisconsin. I had a brand new laptop and no one else on site had the same one so I couldn’t get power for it and I had a demonstration for 4 hours the next day. So I looked around for a place to buy an iGo Juice so I could use it and return it, take the restocking fee hit but I would still be ahead. Well, I couldn’t find anywhere that sold them but they did have the Targus Notebook 70W AC/DC Power Adapter. This power adapter would work with my laptop.

In the end I didn’t return the new power adapter but instead tried to sell it on the company intranet. With so many travelers I thought it would be snatched up for a song. No takers. So this sat in my desk drawer for a two years untouched. When my iGo Juice started acting up a short in some wire or the base, not sure which one) I decided to take out the Targus power adapter. Today I was looking at the cords on the Targus and I noticed that the port for charging the peripherals is the exact size as the iGo. I thought about it for a few seconds and then plugged it in. It fit. Now I need to test it on something. I have been hanging on to my Treo 650 so that I could manually transfer all of my numbers from that device to my EnV. I finally accomplished that last week. So I took out the Treo iTip, plugged it into the power adapter and connected the Treo. It worked. The Treo is charging as we speak. I do not need to buy a brand new Juice but if I did want a new iGo Juice they are selling for 39.95 on amazon.com, that is down from $119.00. An absolute steal. Believe me I’ve been in so many places where the iGo Juice has been perfect for me. Needed to make a call in Vancouver, dead battery, charged the phone in the car. Needed to do work (okay watch a movie) on a plane, used the plane adapter and was golden.

Long Slow Walk

Long Slow Walk
Photo-A-Day #1293

Today after the demonstrations I took the Tripod down to the river to get some shots. I played around with the manual settings to see what I could get for shots on this cloudy day. This is the one I liked the most. In the distance is the lighthouse in the area. I am going to drive around tomorrow and try to find it and get a better shot.

Demos went well today for the most part. I was able to keep awake for most of them. I did nod off per usual which stinks because the beds in this hotel are awesome and I’ve slept so well in them. I’ve even been getting to bet early, I have no clue why I keep falling asleep. Well, that is not true. It is very hard to stay awake watching demo after demo with the florescent lights, the hum of the computer and the projector. Eventually everything falling into that soft soothing rhythm that makes it impossible to keep my eyes open. I’ve got to figure out how to stay awake though because it is not going to be a good thing if I keep falling asleep in the demos of the people I am training.

I’ve been really enjoying the new affiliate program through Social Spark, each day a new affiliate comes on the scene and today a very very cool one started up. This one is called My WhiteWalls.com. They sell some amazing modern art. Take a look and see for yourself.