Tag Archives: Wedding

Benspark.com Annual Christmas Letter

Photo-A-Day #1722

Each year I help my father write the family Christmas Letter. In it he tries to summarize the year in review. Since today is Christmas and I am going to be spending it all day with the family and instead of writing a post I wrote a recap ahead of time and because I take photos I figured I’d recap the year with some of my favorite photos with links to the posts from those days. Just click the picture to read the post.

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Radiant Light

Photo-A-Day #1659

Today our friends TR and Michael got married. Allison was in the wedding party and so was there all day with the bridesmaids and I came up later after work with our friend Jenn. Taking photos during the ceremony was not permitted and I also forgot to check the batteries in my external flash so I didn’t have the use of that either. I had to work with the light I could.

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