What Am I Looking At

drop off
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01949

I’ve been having some fun with the new glasses. Andy is fascinated with them. As we drove to school Andy had me ask the virtual assistant in the glasses all sort of questions. One thing that it does fairly well is it identifies things that you are looking at.

lilac bush

When I came out of the house I went to the lilac bush and asked the assistant “What Am I looking at?” and it told me that I was looking at a lilac bush. I tried it with several other plants around the house. It worked really well doing that.

Axe Head

My Chain Axe print is going well, too. I’ve printed both parts of the axe head so far and that took about 50+ hours. This one is nice because it has pegs that keep it together or will help keep the parts together better when I assemble it fully.

New Glasses – First Ever Ray Bans

New Glasses
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01948

I picked up my new glasses today. I finally decided that putting my glasses on top of my head to read something up close was getting too annoying to keep doing over and over so I got progressive lenses. I also was tired of switching my glasses back and forth for sunglasses so these are also transitions. Some pretty cool technology in my glasses. But that’s not it.

Taking Photos

My glasses are the Ray Ban Meta smart glasses and they do much more than allow me to see much better. I can take photos and video with them and even use a virtual assistant to identify things and much more than that. I had seen these over a year ago and was interested in them then when Andy got their glasses. We had used the allotment of insurance money and discounts to get those glasses so I waited a bit longer. I had an eye exam right after turning 50 and that seemed like a good time to go and get new glasses. So I did and they came in today. It took a little bit to set up the app on my phone but once I did I could take photos, listen to music and more. Plus, I now can see better.

The case is the charging station for the glasses. Connectors for the charger are at the bridge of the nose. great design.