Jorge Hanging Around

Jorge Hanging Around
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01961

This is the local cat, Jorge. He hangs around our house once in awhile. He was hear a few weeks ago snatching up baby squirrels that I rescued. But I am sure that he got one or two around the neighborhood. He’s been around since we moved in and sometimes he disappears for a bit but always comes back. He’s been adopted by two different houses at this point. Not ours, we don’t need another one.

A Chocolatey New Twist on an Old Fave

new cereals
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01960

General Mills sent me a package of new cereals and some granola to try out and talk about. When the UPS driver brought me the box they were excited and wanted to know what was in it. I opened the box with him and showed him the new Chocolate Lucky Charms and he was so excited and couldn’t wait to tell his wife about them. I tried them and they are pretty good.

I haven’t tried the Cinnamon Toast Crunch Waffle ones yet nor have I gotten any yogurt to try the yogurt toppers. I’m going to have to go and pick up some Strawberry yogurt soon to enjoy those.