Sour Patch Kids Oreo

sour patch kids oreo
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01959

Andy had Allison pick up a pack of four of the new Sour Patch Kids Oreos. I’m glad they only go a 4 pack because they were really weird. They were fine when we were eating them but then there was a sour aftertaste that was not great. It sort of hit in the back of the throat.

The Sailor Cipher

The Sailor Cipher
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01958

I recently llistened to the seven books of the Explorere Academy series by Trudi Trueit. I had reviewed all those books at they came out and I really enjoyed the series. Relistening made me remember that there was going to be a second series focusing on another explorer, Sailor York. I’m interested to see where this series goes and if there will be a third series. I just started reading the book and so far it is fun.