Fixing the 3D Printer Still Eludes Me

Fan cover
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01957

Tonight I attempted to put everything back together on the 3D printer. The problem I ran into was using the wrong screws on the sides of the fan cover and that resulting in breaking the fan cover. I then looked all over for a way to order the part as a replacement. Unfortunately I could not find one on the Creality website. But I did find that people have created 3D models that could be printed. So, my cousin Shaun is going to print me up two new covers and I will give it a go again.

This new cover also has a space for an LED screen that I can add to it.

Marvel Unlimited 10 Year Anniversary Pack

Marvel Unlimited 10 Year Anniversary
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01956

This year is the 10th Anniversary of MArvel Unlimited. That is the online collection of Marvel comics that I have access to reading. Each year the people who subscribe tot he service get a special pack with some neat items inside. There is always an action figure and also a pin and sometimes a patch. This year was a Rocket Racoon pin and a Loki patch plus a Nova action figure. I’ll have to go through all my boxes of stuff from the past few years and get all 10 of the action figures together.