Common Visitor on the Cape …

common eider
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02009

We were at the beach this afternoon and I noticed a bird that did not look familiar. It looked like a duck but the coloring was wrong. It had the coloring of a seagull but was not moving about like a seagull at all. It ended up that this was a common eider which is sort of a sea duck. We crept over to it to take some photos and not disturb it.

While we were watching it a guy was running along doing his workout on the beach. He must work out on the beach all the time because he has definitely white but his skin color was a deep mahogany color like he’d been in the sun since 1975. He then jumped from rock to rock while I said “Parkour!” to Allison. If you don’t know that reference just google “Parkour and The Office” and you’ll see.