Savannah Bound …

savannah bound
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02021

Eva is bound for Savannah Georgia today with her Auntie Tara and Uncle Erik. They set Eva up with a week at Savannah College of Art and Design. She’ll be there studying photography and textiles for the week. This is her first sleep away experience where she’ll have a roommate and will be all on her own. Granted, Tara and Erik will be 4 miles down the road but Eva will be on her own in the program. I’m very excited for her. I was worried that her flight would be cancelled after everything that happened yesterday with the Microsoft outage but her flight was delayed a few hours and they got there, eventually around 10pm.

New Bathroom

On the homefront we have another new bathroom at our house. Well, this is an open air one on the corner. For the next few weeks both streets near us are having the gas lines changed. So we’ll have street closures all for a while. And we have this port-a-potty on our corner.