Category Archives: Family

Photo-A-Day #715 03/24/07


Today Allison had Zeta Day. I worked on the blog most of the morning. Then went and got lunch at d’Angelo, got my comic books and took a ride out by the farms. There were some horses out and the sun was out on this beautiful day. I went home and decided to head back up to the farms on foot with my Nikon D80 Digital SLR camera. I took this photo on that walk. Continue reading Photo-A-Day #715 03/24/07

Photo-A-Day #712 03/21/07

Me at Benihana

Tonight I went to Benihana for dinner. I had never been to a Benihana before and the experience was delicious. However, I would have really liked to have gone with a group of people. That would have been much more fun. Now, I know that both Mo and my wife, Allison, are probably thinking about that episode of The Office but I can assure you both that I did not have any reason to be looking for a sharpie marker. If you saw the “A Benihana Christmas” episode of the office that would be hilarious to you right now. And if you haven’t seen it, why not? The show is a riot. Allison and Mo and I talk about it each week on The BenSpark Forum. Continue reading Photo-A-Day #712 03/21/07