Category Archives: Movie

Little Miss Sunshine

Last night Allison and I watched Little Miss Sunshine with Tara and Erik. What a good movie. I wasn’t sure what to expect but I found it touching, tragic and fantastic all at once. We had some chicken soup, that Tara made, for dinner. It was delicious. Then we settled down to watch the movie. I loved the whole family and the outrageousness of their issues as well as the mundaneness of their lives. They were a real set of people with real problems and the frankness with which they talked about their problems was touching and tragic at the same time. I loved Alan Arkin as the grandfather. He just tends to make each movie better. I don’t want to give anything away because I think that knowing as little about this movie as possible before seeing it makes it so wonderful. The actors were fantastic and so fitting. I was really happy to have seen this movie. I’m rooting for it in the Oscars now.

The Little Mermaid

The platinum edition of the Little Mermaid is the selection of the month with the Disney Movie Club. Allison and I belong to the DMC and have been rediscovering the wonderful Disney movies of our youth. I’m not the biggest fan of the Little Mermaid but you have to love the song Under The Sea. You really just have to. I enjoy that song and the French Chef. I also like Kiss the Girl. Okay I guess I really do like this movie a bit. Who knew.