This morning I made some 5 Grain Cereal. It contains Oats, Rye, Triticale, Barley and Golden Flax. I bought a container of it to bring to work so I could make a nice hot breakfast for myself when I get in. With 5g of fiber, 0 Sodium, 0 Cholesterol, 6g of protein and 454mg of Omega 3 a serving I figure I would be starting the day right. And I am at least starting it eating right. The first time I made this it blew up in the microwave. The second time I tried a few things differently and it didn’t explode much. Today I boiled the water in the microwave first. Then stirred in the cereal, then it was still watery so I put it back in for 30 seconds at a time. Each time I would take it out and stir it again. This stuff must retain a ton of heat because my spoon ended up melted in the position above.
It would be pretty hard to eat a year’s worth of free Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream with a spoon like that. So, I figure I had better get a better spoon because I stand a good chance of winning this Ice Cream give away from Elizabeth at Table for Five. But that is not all I could win, the best thing to top your ice cream with and I mean top, not just the sprinkles, hot fudge and nuts but what is the most fun to put on ice cream? That would be Reddi-wip® Real Whipped Cream. I mean, who hasn’t eaten that stuff directly from the nozzle of the can?
I really hate to tell anyone else about this contest because I would love all that ice cream for myself but here is the deal with the contest.
How to enter:
You have to go to Elizabeth’s contest post Win a year’s supply of Reddi-wip and Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream
For one entry all you need to do is leave a comment on that post with:
1.Your first name or blog alias. Comments left with Keywords/website names will be deleted.
2. What your favorite food is to put whipped cream on-cake, pie, cookies, ice cream, etc.
3. What your favorite flavor of ice cream is.
For two entries, leave a comment with:
1. All of the above information AND let Elizabeth know that you have either subscribed to her RSS feed, faved the blog on Technorati, or added Table for Five to your blogroll.
For three entries, leave a comment with:
1. All of the above information AND the url of a blog post linking to the giveaway. Please mention in your post that the giveaway ends April 29th.
Entries may be submitted until April 29th at 9 AM ET. Elizabeth will draw the Grand Prize Winner at random, and notify them by email that they have won. Good luck everybody! Good luck to Me.
The 5 Grain Cereal may be a good thing for the morning but I’d really like to use a new spoon with something like a pint of New York Super Fudge Chunk® Ice Cream.
there is no spoon
courtney’s last blog post..Let My Voice Be Heard
Yeah, you just made me change my title. Thanks Courtney, very good geeky/movie reference. Very cool.
LOL! It’s the first thing I thought of when I saw that spoon…
courtney’s last blog post..Let My Voice Be Heard
I am surprised that I didn’t, a friend of mine says that line all the time when I ask him to get me a spoon from the caf.
If you win the giveaway, it will be because you were chosen at random and not because you wrote this totally awesome post about it, although I sure wish I could just name you the winner right now!
Elizabeth’s last blog post..Win a year’s supply of Reddi-wip and Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream
Lol You call that a spoon?
Thanks Elizabeth, looks like you were able to post the comment after all. I would love to win and I hope the contest draws a huge crowd to your blog. You should be part of the fab 4 for IZEAFest 2008 with all the awesome things you do with your blog. You have a lot to teach us all.
Well it is difficult to eat with, soup is a real pain but anything really sticky and not runny is fine. Lol
Good luck, Drewbie!! I’m rooting for you!!!
Mo’s last blog post..33
I just stumbled this blog. I think I am going to become a regular visitor there are some great things on here.
Navillus99’s last blog post..Bridesmaid Dresses Don’t Have Be Identical
Hi, Ben
How are things?
Looks like they are melted. Lol. Does the plastic melt into the food? I hope not. *Bwwellech!* Microwavable plastic tends to melt. I use the thicker tupperware types.
Abas’s last blog post..Hatshepsut’s Temple, Egypt
Thanks Mo, you should enter as well. I would not want to discourage anyone from entering.
Thanks for stopping by, I checked out your blog, that would have been a great resource for when I was getting married. I especially loved the T-shirts for the Groom and Groomsmen.
The plastic just melted itself, not into food. The food is okay. Thanks.
I never use a spoon. You don’t need one when you keep your bowl on the floor.
Stephen’s last blog post..Stephen the Dog 1 Corporate Fat Cats 0
Stephen, I guess that this certainly would not be a problem for you then.
While this is an awesome post and all, I’m hoping you don’t win that ice cream because I want it all to myself!
Your cereal sounds really good. Do you just buy the 5 grain cereal from the bulk section or do you mix your own? I’m running to the store today so I’m thinking of buying some – and blaming it on you.
Of course, I’m also thinking of buying some of that ice cream (buy 1, get 1 free at Walgreens) but I’ll be blaming that on Elizabeth.
Oh it is on, it is on :-).
The cereal is Old Wessex Ltd. It looks like a container of oatmeal. It is actually pretty filling and good. I used to have brown sugar on it but then because of the diabetes I have it plain.