The first two of the eight Eon’s Elite Skylanders figures have arrived at my house. I received two packages this week from Activision. One was full of Wave 2 figures and that was so awesome to receive. The second was of the two Eon’s Elite figures, Chop Chop and Spyro. This second box floored me because I was not intending to purchase these figures for myself. With so many figures that I have collected I couldn’t justify another repaint of the same figure that I already had several times over. The figures themselves are repaints of the series one figures. They are not remolded, they are repainted in a fancy metallic paint. The paint job on them is excellent. They have pretty incredible packaging, too. Each comes in a shiny holographic foil box and inside there is a display case with a 3D lenticular background. It is rumored that when you put them all together that the backgrounds form one complete scene of Skylands. The bottom of the display is in the color of the character’s element and on the packaging two more of Eon’s elite were shown: Trigger Happy and Whirlwind.

So, what makes the actual character elite in the Skylanders game. Well, in Skylanders Trap Team and that game alone the Eon’s Elite characters have triple the power of other Skylanders. This makes them incredibly powerful to use. In the few days since I received the figures I have leveled both Spyro and Chop Chop along with their respective predecessors up to level 20 in Skylanders Trap Team. I used Spryo starting when he was at level 12 to complete levels 80-100 of the Kaos challenge without ever having to change to another character. The hit points on Elite Spryo and Chop Chop are over 2,500. No other character even comes close to that amount of hit points. The regular Chop Chops are only at 933 or something like that. So these Elite guys can take some major punishment. The other stats are not nearly as impressive but the characters are strong and put the hurt on Kaos’ toughest minions without issue.
A couple of other items of comparison would be with the trading card. You can see on the card that the stats on the Eon’s Elite version are much higher that on the Series 1 version of the character. Power, Armor, Agility and Luck are all higher on the Elite character with a cap of 500. What I’ve noticed in the Skylanders games of the past was that a character in Spyro’s Adventure had a cap of 100 and the highest level in the game that they could attain was 10. Giants was 150 and 15. Swap Force was 200 and 20. All of the Trap Team characters have a cap of 250 but when they hit level 20 that is as far as the character can go. I wonder if that will open up to 25 once the mystery characters are released. Eon’s Elite characters have a cap of 500 but I leveled each of those figures up to 20 and not 50 in the game.
One last thing about the Eon’s elite figures. The base color is clear. The element part of the base is gold but the plastic part right on the bottom is clear. This further differentiates an Eon’s Elite Skylander.
I feel the same and I don’t want to buy another repaint of the same figure that was released before but I love how ridiculously strong these guys are. I might just have to run over to Game Stop and buy them on their release date.
Here’s the thing. Now I have two and the complete-ist in me is chomping at the bit to get the rest of them. The displays are great. The power is awesome but that never really meant much to me.
I bet it would look so sweet having all 8 side by side.
Unless 3 more boxes from Activision arrive that probably won’t be happening for me. Too Rich for my blood.