Tag Archives: Cape Cod

Um, Are You Going to Teach Her About Personal Space?

Um, Are You Going to Teach Her About Personal Space?
Photo-A-Day #1507

Eva is a big fan of my cousin. Eva spent a day with her this past Tuesday and today we went to a family party. Eva and my cousin played together for a while. Eva followed her all around. It takes my cousin a little bit of time to warm up to everyone (even me and kids LOVE me). I did finally get a smile out of her and made her laugh too. Eva went for the direct approach and launched herself at my cousin and latched on.

We had a wonderful time for my Cousin Justin’s graduation party. I can’t beleive how fast the time has gone and how quickly my cousins have grown up. Allison also couldn’t believe that Justin’s younger sister is off to college next year. I couldn’t believe it either. Just eight short years ago she was ten.

We spent a lot of time catching up and talking with everyone. We also showed off Eva’s Disney autograph book (post about that specifically coming soon). We’re a big ole Disney loving family. I’m just the tip of the iceberg, believe it.

After the party we drove down to the Cape and hope to enjoy some good weather and beach time tomorrow. Crossing fingers.

You Are Going To Take A Trip To The Seaside

You Are Going To Take A Trip To The Seaside

You Are Going To Take A Trip To The Seaside

I look at this one and think, well, duh, we go to the Cape every summer and actually will probably start going soon to get the house ready. But I’ve been thinking about going to get my kayak soon so that I can go out on the weekends with my friend Keith from Ten Mile River Watershed Council. I want to help do some river clean ups and film some Wired Kayaker videos.

Wired Kayaker?

For a while I had a blog called The Wired Kayaker. I would go on my kayak and make videos and post them, you can see all 6 of them by clicking on them on the sidebar. I decided to get rid of that blog and incorporate those posts into this blog. You can see all of those posts by looking through the Wired Kayaker category. I noticed that I hadn’t been updating that blog and that kayaking was pretty seasonal so in the winter I lost interest because I wasn’t on the water. I also figure that I shouldn’t separate that part of me to a different blog. This is the blog that people read to see what is going on with me and my kayak adventures certainly are things that go on with me.

This Fortune Made Me Think of My Xacti

I made my 1st Wired Kayaker video (podcast) using my Sanyo Xacti C4. This was not a waterproof camera like my Sanyo Xacti EC1. You’ll be hearing more about Sanyo Xacti these days because Sanyo/Fisher contracted some pretty big name YouTube personalities and gave them some of the new cameras. These are HD still/video cameras that are waterproof. These would be perfect cameras for my Wired Kayaker videos (podcasts). I wonder if Sanyo would like to sponsor the podcast?

Here are the new Sanyo Models.