Tag Archives: Cat

Oliver! Oliver Watches the Watchmen. That’s who!

Oliver! Oliver Watches the Watchmen. That's who!
Photo-A-Day #1414

On my way home today I picked up a copy of Watchmen from Target. That was a bit surreal. I had read the graphic novel in college. I enjoyed it but didn’t get behind the hype of how it was one of the best Graphic novels of all time. So, with the movie coming out in a couple of weeks I thought I’d reread one of the greatest graphic novels of all time and see if it really stands up. Maybe now that I am older and have more life experience it will speak to me more.

In college I read Rising Stars, just volume one, and that was an amazing comic book. I thought it was so amazing I bought a special hard cover edition last year with some bonus money. I really enjoyed reading that entire story. The detail and the plot were really interesting and I liked the characters and their struggles. I hope that I get as much enjoyment out of Watchmen as I did from Rising Stars.

Hugging Duncan

Hugging Duncan
Photo-A-Day #1378

Eva loves Duncan.

Eva has been out of sorts for the past few days. Today we took her for her scheduled well baby checkup and she has gained 2lbs and grown another inch. She’s also doing much better, still a little whiny and grumpy. She’s getting plenty of sleep at night but not doing so well with the naps. She won’t stay down. Hopefully she’ll be a little better tomorrow.

Eva and Duncan are buddies. Eva plays on her Yuengling box in the kitchen (and by play I mean she sits on it and watches momma and daddy wash dishes). Duncan also climbs onto the box and rubs up against Eva. He is very tolerant of her and she’s pretty gentle with him. We don’t leave them alone or anything, it is just nice that they get along.