Tag Archives: Dad

Photo-A-Day #709 03/18/07

Taylor's ball and bowl

It snowed here on Friday, both Allison and I got to come home early from work. I have the good fortune of being able to work from home often. I like telecommuting because I can work in jeans. I dress up when I go to the office but kicking around the house it is much more comfortable to be relaxed in jeans. Continue reading Photo-A-Day #709 03/18/07

Photo-A-Day #700 03/09/07

Allison and I pose with the QuikPod

Today’s photo was taken by me using a great new device that I just received in the mail. I learned about this from Cali Lewis on GeekBrief.tv. It is called the QuikPod and I wrote a great post about it on Flatwater. I used the QuikPod for today’s Photo-A-Day and a few other things that I am working on and am very excited that it arrived before the weekend. So now I can try using it while I am on my snowshoeing trip this weekend. Continue reading Photo-A-Day #700 03/09/07