Tag Archives: snacks

Christmas Treats …

Christmas treats
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02173

Allison and the kids made a bunch of tasty treats for Christmas today. They made the poor man’s truffles with pretzels, rolos and M&Ms plus they also made Chocolate Krinkle Cookies. We also worked on getting the things ready for Christmas day.

Danish Butter Cookies

danish butter cookies
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01844

I used to love these cookies when I was a kid. They’d be around for the Christmas season. It seems that Eva is also a fan of them because we had gotten an off brand set of cookies from our Imperfect Foods order and when they were all gone Eva was sad to see them go. so, Allison ordered this tin from Amazon so that we could continue to enjoy them.

Quiet day here today. No more big issues int eh basement. I didn’t end up sleeping that well and tried the trick of listening to my audio book to get back to sleep but that didn’t work so I just ended up listening to the book with my eyes closed. I don’t think I missed much so I don’t think I slept any. Allison made a lasagna for dinner tonight and that was very good.

I tried to print out 3D Printed chainmail tonight but it did not set up correctly so I scrapped the print. We’ll see what I need to do to make it work properly.