Vancouver – The Waiting Part II

What is the ideal Chat up line for you. Chat up line. Just put your name in and it will tell you your ideal pick up line. As I am sitting here waiting, and the lab team is finding interesting web sites and we are laughing at the lines for each person who we are putting in to the routine.

My pick up line if I put in Andrew is: “I miss my teddy bear. Would you sleep with me?”, and if I use Drew: “Do you know karate? ‘Cause your body is really kickin'” What was yours. Add to comments below.

Also Check out Job Predictor. My ideal job is a Pirate! That is funny on so many levels. ARRRGH!

Vancouver Go Live – The waiting…

I’m waiting for the time to turn to midnight here in Vancouver. It is already past midnight back home. I’ve already played the trivia game. Maybe I’ll finally get more than a point score of 4. We’re listening to an 80’s station on the computer, awesome. And I’m surfing the web while we wait. This site has done so much to prepare that I’m here to see what happens.

I came across this article on Kick Ass!

I also went to the website to take a look at what is going on at home and came across some unique pumpkins.

The 24 Chainsaw Bike
Johnny Damon Pumpkin. Go Sox!!
Johnny Damon Pumpkin. Go Sox!!