I’m Going To Disney World!

Yeah! I got the okay from my doctor to travel yesterday! My thumb is almost better. It is now it’s normal color AND the wrinkes around the knuckle are back!! I’d almost forgotten I had those!

So tomorrow we are off, weather permitting! We’ll think of you all as we wander the Happiest Place on Earth!

Couple of Changes

I made a couple of changes to the Blog. One you can clearly see is the change to the layout. I was getting tired of the other layout so I made a change. However with all the custom work I’ve done to the blog, this was not a simple change. It took a while but I got it back up running smoothly.

The second changes is to the comments section. I have made the decision to allow anonymous posts in the comment section. I have too many friends who want nothing to do with creating their own blog account so instead I’ll allow anonymous posts so you need not make your own blogger account.

The third change was to the sidebar. I have added links to our blogger profiles. (both mine and Allison’s). And last of all with the weather looking like it may spoil our flight out tomorrow I added a local weather, for North Attleboro, box in the sidebar. Enjoy. Let me know what you think of the new design. And if you have suggestions for other features that I should add.