D.B. Cooper… Drinking Champagne

So, last night Allison and I watched Without a Paddle. Part of the story centered around D.B. Cooper. If you don’t know about D.B. check out this story at Court TV’s Crime Library. It gives a great recap of the entire story which is a fascinating one. And the title of this post comes from Todd Snider’s song D.B. Cooper. If you want to hear the song let me know I’ll play it for you. I think a great TV show or movie concept would be about D.B. after he landed and what happened to him. There are so many things that could be done with that because it is a complete mystery about what happened.

Nuns and Creativity

There was an article that came out yesterday at work about a group of Nuns who all donated their brains to science. These nuns lived until their 80’s and 90’s and their minds were incredibly sharp for their age. Each day they completed many mental puzzles. So I looked for some daily puzzles that I could do to keep my mind sharp too. Check them out they are pretty fun.

Set Daily Quiz If anyone can find another game like this one please e-mail me.

Daily Brain Teasers


Brain Bashers