All gone…

The Alpha has been sold. I sold the Alpha to Kelly this morning at 9:15. She used to have a 2003 and it had an untimely demise, but now she has my old Alpha and is back on the road.

I’ll miss the bike but I know that I’ll get another one someday down the road. But not soon.

Busy Saturday….

Today was an extremely busy Saturday. We started out with the burial ceremony for Great-Uncle Richard. The family came out at 10:00am this morning to gather at St. Steven’s cemetery to have a memorial service to bury Great-Uncle Richard. Fr. Dave performed the ceremony. Great-Uncle Richard was cremated and was buried in a beautiful urn that was decorated with a nice scene of the sport he loved to play, gold. On the way to the ceremony we saw many riders from the Pan-Mass Challenge go by. The route was right by the cemetery. I took a shot of one of the riders as they passed.

After the ceremony Allison and I headed over to The Moose Cabin for the post ceremony meal. We sat with Carissa and Chris and Roberta and her sister and Erik. We had a very nice meal. We are looking forward to having our rehearsal dinner there. After the Moose Cabin we headed over to see Uncle Richard about the wedding rings. Mine is all picked out and ordered, we had to look at a couple more for Allison. The decision has been made and the her ring will be ordered on Monday. We can check rings off of the list now.

We came home and ran over to see Fr. Dave to discuss the wedding ceremony as well as fill out the paperwork that we needed to take care of to actually HAVE a wedding. We got a booklet to use to plan all the details of the ceremony and are looking forward to working on that. So meeting with Fr. Dave has been taken care of.

We came home and I went out to prepare my motorcycle for a possible sale tomorrow. I have an interested party coming over to see it and hopefully purchase it. I got it all cleaned up and started it up and tooled around the driveway a couple of times. I forgot to move the fuel switch to the on position so for a while each time I revved the engine it would stall out. That never happens. The bike has consistently started each and every time without fail. So once I realized my mistake it fired up and was humming along great.

The Alpha all shined up!

The Logo, Shiny!

A really interesting looking bug.

While I took care of the motorcycle Allison took care of putting the finishing touches of the wedding invitation. She’s got it perfect now and we will start printing them soon to mail out by the end of the month. Both of our mother’s have seen it and approve. So we are covered there. Oliver was looking pretty cute so I took this photo of him.

At 5:00 we headed over to my Aunt Corrine’s and Uncle Jeff’s to pick up my cousins Maddie and Haley to take them to dinner and to go see the Walpole Children’s Theatre’s rendition of The Brother’s Grimm Snow white and the Seven Dwarves. The kids were alot of fun and enjoyed dinner at Papa Ginos and then the play at the WCT. The actors were very good too, mostly 8-14 year olds. It was fun to bring the girls out for the night. Allison is very tuckered out right now but we are ready for the fun tomorrow. But I can;t tell you about that till then.

The WCT Logo

Maddie, Allison and Haley

The final bows.

When we got home we spent some time with my Mom. She gave us a few things from Great-Uncle Richard, including a mint condition in the box BombShell Insecticon from 1984. She found it in a closet and said that I would like it, heck yeah I love it. That makes two mint condition in the box Transformers that I got from Uncle Richard. My Mom and Dad also gave Allison and I a gift to help us with the wedding, so we are very grateful for that. And I have a stack of pictures of me and my sisters that Great-Uncle Richard had around the house. He had pictures from every year I was in school.

And also I want to add that Tara just came in and gave us some Kettle Corn (otherwise known as Popcorn Crack) that she got from Water Fire. Kettle Corn is so tasty.