Photo-A-Day #412 05/25/06

tonight Allison and I went for a walk after dinner. Something new we are trying, to stop sitting on the couch watching TV after dinner every night. It’ll be a thing, it is gonna catch on. It is a lot easier to do now that the shows are all over and the nice weather’s back. We watched the LOST season finale last night and can’t wait for next season. A lot of people are getting annoyed with the pacing of the show but I think that it has been done so well. And now next season looks to be filled with all new twists and characters. Some major revelations that occured in the finale, lots of loose ends and some tied up nice and neat. Such a great show.

Anyway when we were out on our walk the grass in certain places looked like crop circles, except they were in a straight line. Can’t say I really delivered with today’s picture. I’m still running on little to no sleep in the past few days. I did take a nap after work and was out like a light till Allison came home.

Photo-A-Day #411 05/24/06

Our company’s Swans had Cygnets.

From the Plane.

The flight from Salt Lake has been good so far. The movie that was shown was Glory Road. I had forgotten that this was a movie I wanted to see. It was a very powerful movie. Josh Lucas was well cast in this as coach Haskins was very well cast. I am sure that I have seen Josh Lucas in other movies but cannot remember which ones. Now he seems to be everywhere.

I was unable to find Hunting Season by Nevada Barr. I went to every bookstore and news store in Salt Lake airport and only found 2 of Barr’s books. I found her first Anna Pigeon novel, Track of the Cat and the book after Hunting Season, Flashback. So instead I picked up the book, Skinny Dip, by Carl Hiaasen. Carl has written many books, they are funny and interesting. I listened to his book, Tourist Season on CD a while back. It wasn’t until today that I realized that he wrote Hoot and some other kids books. Not that I have read much past chapter 2 because I keep falling back asleep.

I was looking forward to soaking in my spa tub last night after my drive but seeing those bugs squashed any desire to do that. Now I wish I had just sucked it up and grabbed the two bugs and then filled the tub. My quads are so sore. They are sore because of the walk around the hot springs. I pushed myself straight to the top, forgetting about the altitude difference. I had left the water in the car and the damage was done by the time I turned around to come down. So now on the plane I am hurtin’. Dang bugs and their ability to give me uncontrollable itchiness.

The best part of this trip was getting to see two National Parks an picking up 3 states I didn’t have on my map: Idaho, Wyoming and Montana. I’m not sure how many I have left to get but it is under 20.