Photo-A-Day #576 11/05/06

Today Allison and I went to visit Derek and Michelle and baby Nicholas. Nicholas is so cute and he is getting bigger every day. He is such a cute little baby and such a good disposition.

Allison got together some shepherd’s pie and some American chop suey to bring over. The fridge and freezer are now completely full.

Neil and Andrea, Mike and Anna and their son Matthew, and Matt and Beth were there too. Neil, Allison and Beth took turns holding Nicholas. I think next visit I will get my chance. Which of course is fine with me, Nicholas is too new and I wouldn’t want to be the first one to get a scratch on him. Derek and Michelle are adjusting to parenthood very well and little Coco (their dog) is also adjusting well. She is very protective of the baby too. It is very cute. It was fun to go over and visit for a little while today. Here are a few pictures from the day.

Derek displays Nicholas’ traveling clothes

‘Uncle’ Neil is great with the baby

‘Aunt’ Andrea gets a great close up of Nicholas

‘Uncle’ Neil and baby Nicholas

‘Aunt’ Allison get’s to hold baby Nicholas

Artistic photo of Allison and baby Nicholas

‘Uncle’ Drew and ‘Aunt’ Allison with baby Nicholas

Coco, guard dog

The proud parents Derek and Michelle with baby Nicholas

Father and son.

Photos from Circle of Friends.

Last night Allison and I went to see Ellis Paul and Antje Duvekot at Circle of Friends in Franklin, MA. We got home rather late so I was unable to pull together the pictures to post. I got up this morning and got them ready before Mass. Now I have them on Buzznet and have added the thumbnails here to this post.

The show was alot of fun. It has been long enough between shows that I could really appreciate how much further Antje has come along in her stage presence and confidence. Her storytelling ability has also gotten better and more interesting. Her singing was fantastic as always. I still think that Pearls with the send a little grace ending is way too long and drawn out. But it is one of my favorite songs. Antje also played Long Way and that was the first song of hers I had heard that on WERS.

Ellis had some new stories and a new song or two. He is still so awesome and the show was sold out. There were 350 + people and he kept pointing out how quiet we were. Folks were quiet but there were some folks who were distracting none-the-less. I am talking about people who took flash photos. I do not take flash photos while the show is going on. I took one flash picture before the show to get the mural. After that all of my photos were flash free. I was still approached by one of the people there to not take flash photos. I showed him my camera and that the flash was off. He did finally get the appropriate offender. Ellis played Roll-Away-Bed and we were happy to hear that one. Flynn was also there and he and Ellis played a few songs and then Ellis, Antje and Flynn all colaborated on a song or two.

All in all I would definitely go back to Circle of Friends for another show.