More Webcomics on Talkshoe

I swear I’m gonna have to do a TalkShoe TalkCast soon. First there was the one that I heard about and participated in with Wes Molebash of You’ll Have That. Now I find out that three of the other web comics I read are involved in a TalCast of their own. Well, the creators are involved in a TalkCast. It is called the Triple feature, most likely because each webcomic focuses on the world of movies. We have Theater Hopper by Tom Brazelton, Joe Loves Crappy Movies by Joe Dunn and The Multiplex by Gordon McAlpin. I downloaded all five episodes through iTunes. That makes about 7 1/2 hours of these guys talking about movies, pop culture and comics. I’m hoping that my iPod arrives today so I can start loading it up with everything that I have downloaded so far.

But first I have to have my yearly physical. Not looking forward to that as much.

The Princess Bride

This book and movie are wonderful. I first was introduced to this movie by my friend Marybeth. She later gave me a copy of the book. I think over my lifetime I have seen this movie about 15 times. It is a very quotable movie and full of great comedy. I love the parts with Billy Crystal. The sword fight on the top of the cliffs of insanity was incredible. Inigo always saying,”Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die.” The rhyming of Andre the giant and Wallace Shawn made this movie so memorable.

The book is filled with some fantastic things as well. And it ends in a much less happy manner. I love how the book reads and I think I could give it another read soon. I should have Allison read it too because she doesn’t like the movie but I bet she would enjoy the book more.

I just found out that there are many versions of this movie, there is the Dread Pirate version, the Buttercup version and the special edition. And if you buy a movie from Amazon you get a free TV show download. Pretty cool.