Blog For A Year….

I have entered a contest called Blog for a Year. What will happen if I win this. I will be paid to blog for an entire year on any blog of my choosing. I will be blogging here on The BenSpark blog because I have worked very hard to make it a nice blog over the past 4 years of blogging. I have also blogged 4 years worth of content.

Flatwater has been around for a while too and I will continue to blog there as well. I will also blog at The Wired Kayaker and my newest/oldest blog BenSpark 2: Electric Boogaloo.

I think that if anyone tries hard enough they can achieve a goal. My goal in this competition is to get the most votes. You can vote for me each and every day. So I am asking all of my readers to click my “Help me blog for a year” badge on the top of my right sidebar, each day and help me get enough votes to be paid to blog for an entire year. I have the aptitude and ideas to take my blogs to the highest levels.

Please read my profile…

You can also donate to the Blogger fund if you so choose.

The cool thing about this competition is that it is being totally funded by donations. If you vote for me you can donate on behalf of my bid in this competition. The more that is donated the higher I will climb to prominence on the list of bloggers vying for the top position. But you don’t have to donate to vote. You can vote EVERY DAY.

Voting goes on until January 2008 at which time a blogger will be chosen. I hope it is me.

Thank you.

Widget: Twitter

I have recently discovered the addicting qualities of Twitter. I was invited to join by Kevin from FuelMyBlog. And I now follow Kevin, Ian, Wes, Christine and Cali. I also recently set up the ability to update my Twitter account through my phone. So that Treo qwerty keyboard does come in handy. I didn’t set it to get updates however because I don’t think I want to get a ton of messages from all the people I will be keeping up with on Twitter.

Basically I’m going to use the phone part to keep folks updated about things while I am on the road and haven’t gotten to my blog to post. My Twitter widget will appear on each of my blogs. The BenSpark, BenSpark 2: Electric Boogaloo and The Wired Kayaker. Sign up and follow me on Twitter.