TV Show: Robot Chicken – Star Wars Spoof

I am a fan of Robot chicken. My wife considers each 15 minute show a waste of 15 minutes that she will never get back. But I am a guy and love the toys and the spoofs that are being created.

Apparently George Lucas and Mark Hamill are fans of the show as well. Robot Chicken was created by Seth Green and Matthew Senreich. They take old toys and dolls and clay and make stop motion skits. Usually they involve some of our well known and best loved icons form the 70s and 80s.

There was a great skit about Darth Vader calling Emperor Palpatine about the destruction of the Death Star. This skit caught George Lucas’ eye and he is going to work with the guys for a 30 minute Star Wars spoof episode. Mark Hamill will be voicing Luke Skywalker.

The show will air at 10:00pm on June 17th on Cartoon Network. You can reaed more about the show and Lucas’ involvement on Yahoo News.

Getting Excited

The summer breezes are whispers on the winds at the moment. Monday we had some wonderful weather and I got the first pangs of excitement over the paddling season. I have to get down to the Cape to pick up my boat. I am thinking about freezing my gym membership for the summer and committing myself to getting out on the water a couple times a week while I am home. (i.e. not traveling).

There are two places where I am looking to try out. The first is Houghton’s Pond in Framingham. I have a co-worker who also kayaks and we’ll be going out together at some point. The place is only 10 minutes from work so I can hit that for a few hours and then head home. Or I could get up super early paddle and then go to work. That might be an option as well.

The second place is Hopkinton State Park, I drive by this location each morning and I have been thinking of stopping there for a morning paddle. I just have to go out and do it.