Photo-A-Day #805 06/22/07

Autobot Symbol on Prime's Shoulder

Today the reporter and photographer came over for the story that is being done on the Transformers Movie. I sat and talked while the photographer took pictures. It was a fun time. I hope the photos come out nice. After they left I went about and took many photos of my own. I grabbed the Macro lens this time to get some nice detail shots.

Photo-A-Day #805b 06/22/07 Photo-A-Day #805c 06/22/07
Photo-A-Day #805d 06/22/07 Photo-A-Day #805f 06/22/07

I even got a photo of Oliver too so today wasn’t all Transformers. I posted Oliver because Christine of The Passionate Ailurophile mentioned that she has an ulterior motive for hosting my Photo A Day images. And that is for cat pictures. So here is a photo of Oliver in his new sleep space.

Photo-A-Day #805g 06/22/07

Spruce up the garage…

If there is one thing that we need around the compound, (A running joke because so many of us from the family live in the same place) would be some garage organization. We have a pretty nice garage and I would love to have a sparkling clean set of diamond plate cabinets. I don’t know what it is about diamond plate but I love how it looks. I can imagine a totally clean garage that has been perfectly organized with a shiny set of Diamond Plat cabinets and a sparkling motorcycle or classic car. Making the garage a showroom and function work place looks easy with all the great stuff at Car Guy Take a look at the cool stuff and try not to drool.

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